What's Happening At The Studio

The Scouts share what's inspiring them at the moment, along with what's going on in the studio.


Thursday, December 30, 2010

Adios 2010

As the Scouts look forward to 2011, we must take a moment to recollect what we’ve enjoyed or been thankful for in 2010.
1. Those of you who made a commitment to shop and support local, independent businesses. We thank you from the bottom of our heart. 2. Our 3rd successful French Flea Market. We have really started to look forward to our annual anniversary celebration and the special things we scout for it. 3. Customers who come in from bigger cities and say they love our shop because it reminds them of, say, Chicago, Seattle, Atlanta or Boston. It’s a complement we truly appreciate.
4. Clients who trust us wholeheartedly; with design decisions and alarm codes.
5. Contractors who show up when they’re supposed to, do a good job for a reasonable price, and remain cheerful: the ones we’re proud to associate our name with and trust to be in our clients’ homes. You are few and far between and we would like to clone you. 6. The opportunity to do what we love, with people we love. And our families who support us in doing so.

Thank you all for a wonderful 2010! We look forward to a fun and successful 2011 and dragging you all with us!

The Scouts

1 comment:

LiveLikeYou said...

What a fun place! Hope you all have a Happy inspiring New Year!