What's Happening At The Studio

The Scouts share what's inspiring them at the moment, along with what's going on in the studio.


Sunday, August 8, 2010

Dinner at Camp Ridgeway

We always love getting together with one of the biggest Scout aficionados, our dear friend, Fifi. Her home, Camp Ridgeway, is, in a word, beautiful. AND she is the most amazing hostess. So when she invited us over for a small dinner soiree, we didn't hesitate.
When you drive up the circular peagravel drive at Camp Ridgeway, you are greeted by this:Stunning, right, I know. Well, coincidentally, the Scouts have been asked to join forces with some other local talents on a wedding style board for Style Me Pretty. I think we found the location for our photo shoot!The property is just to-die-for. Fifi had drinks set outside for everyone in a charming arrangement on a 20 foot long table we collaborated on with her.Inside, Fifi's collections serve double duty, both decorative and functioning. Here's her gorgeous collection of flatware and silverware. I love how she displays it on the countertop. The lamp in the background is made from a champagne magnum.We have named this "Fifi Salad". So simple, yet so sophisticated and delicious. Would it be as good if it weren't served so beautifully?Over in her charming breakfast nook, a gourmet selection of olives, breads, pates, and cheeses. She has the coolest antique bread slicer she found up in Michigan.We all dish up and enjoy the spread and a lovely glass of elderberry water.The sister Scouts.
Fifi is always quick to give us credit for designing her living room. It was one of the most fun jobs we've worked on simply because she has the best stuff to start with. Don't you love the mix of the modern acrylic chairs and the traditional silver platters? It's always gratifying to work with people who let you get a little creative.Such a fun evening was had by all. Thanks to our wonderful hostess and friend, Fifi. We always leave Camp Ridgeway inspired and grateful to know such a charming and amazing woman.