What's Happening At The Studio

The Scouts share what's inspiring them at the moment, along with what's going on in the studio.


Saturday, September 5, 2009

A fun drink for you to try~ Lavender Lemonade

We're getting invitations out for our upcoming French Flea Market on September 19th, and by coincidence this morning, as I was reading one of my favorite blogs, Design Sponge, here was this yummy drink recipe from Alyssa and Ryan. So I'll pass it along to you... make a pitcher this holiday weekend and dream of the French countryside. AND mark your calendar to celebrate our 4th anniversary with us at the Studio. INGREDIENTS: By the Glass: 1.5oz Vodka (Ciroc seems appropriate) 1.5oz Lillet Blanc 1oz Lavender Syrup (recipe below) 1oz Lemon Juice 2oz Chilled Soda Water French Lavender Flower for Garnish
or By the Pitcher (makes 4 glasses): 3/4 Cups Vodka 3/4 Cups Lillet Blanc 1/2 Cup Lavender Syrup 1/2 Cup Fresh Lemon Juice 1/4 Cup Chilled Soda Water for each glass French Lavender Flower for Garnish
Methodology: Lavender Syrup: Add equal parts sugar and water to a medium saucepan and bring to boil. Add fresh organic French lavender to taste (or 1/2 cup dried food grade lavender for every 4 cups water/4 cups sugar) and boil for one minute over medium/high heat. Remove from heat and let steep for an hour.
Drink: Mix first four ingredients with spoon, pour over ice, add chilled soda water and garnish with lavender flower (or lemon wedges if you can’t find fresh organic lavender).

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